Friday, January 22, 2016

Let It Snow Ice Cream

During the night, several inches of snow fell on us. I think the only thing that would be better than the sky dropping down snow is if it would snow ice cream. Since it doesn't, I'm content to just make snow ice cream.

Arkansas snow

 Normally, I would rush out to grab a large bowlful of snow and drench it in milk, vanilla, and sugar and then  proceed to devour the entire bowl.

 Last year I tried making snow ice cream with honey and that did not work. Not even a little bit. This year, I should have just gone the Laura-Ingalls route and tried the maple syrup snow treat, since it would be technically more Whole30-friendly than what I'm about to confess that I did.

Snow waiting to be sculpted..into ice cream

I made snow ice cream with sugar. *embarrassed face*
 Before you pooh-pooh me for disrupting the Whole30 for the sake of that dread abomination, sugar, let me tell you what else I put in the ice cream.

Snow with vanilla and sugar

I tried my hand at what a lot of people already do on a regular basis, but is something I don't do often: experimenting in the kitchen! And it was fun! The Queen Mother suggested that I try a dairy milk alternative, so I did. Two, in fact.

Into the first bowl went full fat coconut milk. Into the second bowl went cashew milk. By the way, I'm kind of liking cashew milk and might try making my own soon.

Left: Coconut milk ice cream
Right: Cashew milk ice cream

Cashew milk ice cream with added cocoa

They were both good, but I preferred the mildly-coconut-flavored coconut milk ice cream since it tasted more like the original snow ice cream. The cashew milk gave the ice cream a stronger flavor so I added cocoa powder and looked that a bit better.

So... Even though I'm almost done with the program, I still deviated from it...and I'm not sorry that I did. I chose to consume sugar rather than send out stress hormones from not being able to enjoy this snow day. I think that sometimes we can make things too complicated and we end up in a worse state of things.

But I'll get off my soapbox and on my sled.
Stay warm!
Soon I'll have more Whole30 posts up, so come back!

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